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Our Clients

High-net-worth Individuals and families

We work with successful families and individuals to manage all aspects of their wealth in ways that address not only the financial but also the emotional, charitable and heritage aspects of their wealth.

The success of a financial plan is not just the money but the effect it has on your life, your family, your community and the peace of mind it creates for you.

We work with you, your family, your legal or financial advisors and our network of professionals to design a financial plan that manages your wealth, maintains your lifestyle and assures that your legacy lives on.

Contact us to find out how Goodwealth can help you and/or your family.

We listen carefully to our clients. We view the process as the development of a deeply personal relationship that paves the way to an informed, effective and fulfilling plan for the future.

Business Consulting & Executive Benefits Planning

As your company grows, so will your responsibilities. Having a collaborative team continually working with you, enables you to control your money and wealth more effectively, so you can focus on your business.

We realize that a company’s most valuable resources are its employees. Ensuring that your employees are rewarded for their efforts is critical and often incorrectly implemented.

Goodwealth examines the issues like Employee Benefits, Executive Compensation, Succession Planning and Funding, Retirement plans, Pension Plans etc.. to help you attract and retain key talent.